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  • Are you looking for ways to improve your ranking on Google?
  • Want to know the key SEO considerations when optimizing your business website?

Here are some on-page ranking factors that can lead to success:

                  • Content Length
                  • Sentence Length
                  • Reading Ease
                  • Sub-Heading distribution
                  • Keywords


Readability and User Analysis:

      1. Content Length: Keeping your pages at 2000+ words. While many would think less words are better, when it comes to an SEO ranking it is actually more beneficial to have 2,000+ words.
      2. Reading and Visibility: With your 2,000+ word count you want to make sure you’re creating content that is reader-friendly. You want to use readable fonts, no spelling mistakes, and easy to understand language.
      3. Avoid Passive Voice: Limiting passive voice in your content greatly improves your SEO rankings. For example instead of saying “A book has been bought by me” you should say “I have bought a book”
      4. Sentence Length: Google recommends that only 25% of your sentences should have beyond 20 words.
      5. Proper Sub-Heading Distribution: Using proper H1, H2, H3 tags after 200-300 words. Your paragraphs should actually not exceed more than 100 words. Breaking up your content makes it 100% easier to read. No one wants to read a term paper on a website especially if they are reading from a mobile device.
      6. Use Transitions Words: The absence of transition words like “Additionally”, “Next”, “First of All”, “So”, “indeed”, and “Similarly” in your writing makes the piece harder to read and relate to.
      7. Include Visuals: Always include visuals in your content. This can be in the form of images, GIFs, graphs,


If you have questions or concerns about your SEO Ranking, give Stratedia a call at 860.415.0430  or visit us online at stratedia.com. Were ranked #1 as the top seo company CT by Clutch.co! Let Stratedia help you, GET TO THE TOP!


Published On: September 3rd, 2020

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