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Wondering why your website listing doesn’t show up on google when you search it? Looking to improve your local search ranking? If you’re a local business with a website, you may be doing local SEO, but did you know you need to be doing more than that? Have your heard of the Google 3 pack? Getting in this exclusive real estate will help you reach more local customers, stand out from your competition and get more out of the search engines.

What is the Google Local 3 pack?

The 3-pack is found in local Google searches. If a local search delivers a 3-pack, you will see it at the top of the page, usually below the local map. For businesses trying to increase their lead flow, you should have an seo strategy in place or be working with an seo professional or agency to get the most out of Google as you can. These search results are not only at the top of the page but get tremendous engagement for users looking for services or people to work with that are close to them. This is highlighted by the increased searched with the term near me added to it. For example SEO Company Near Me or Website Design Company Near Me. These maps are critical for mobile devices with click to call technology or click for directions.

How can I rank in the 3 pack?

Getting your website in the local 3 pack is not like your typical SEO. First things first, have you claimed you business listing? If not you need to do so. Google will make sure you are the owner by verifying you.  This is a simple process of Google mailing you a postcard and you verifying that you’re a real business. After verification yo will want to sure your google business listing is optimized to deliver. Make sure you have all the necessary information filled in. In the 3 pack Google ranks your businesses, not websites.

Once you’ve established your listing there is a lot of work to do to get to the top. Here are a few things you can do to improve your rankings:

-Choose an appropriate category for your business.
-Complete your profile with images and branding.
-Include a local phone number and address that is consistent with your website and all directories. This is also referred to as NAP (Name, Address and Phone Number).
-Increase links to your listing

Links to Your Website

This is where it is extremely important to work with a trusted professional. The wrong links can have a negative impact on your site and if Google suspects bad practices it will blacklist your site and be very difficult for you to get it to rank in the search engines.

Want to rank in the Google 3 pack?

Do you want the benefits of ranking in the Google 3 pack? Want to increase the clicks to your website, calls, leads and sales? 

Let Stratedia help YOU GET TO THE TOP

Call us at 860.415.0430  or visit us online at stratedia.com

Published On: October 15th, 2019

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